
I am a ordinary shopper like many of us and I like to review products, websites and companies to share my tips, opinions and information that will hopefully help you find the products and services you need at an affordable price and amazing quality. I will try and cover a wide section of things and also ways to save money online.

Why you should trust my review?

I think of myself as a honest reviewer of everything and everyone around me thinks that too. I would honestly want everyone to buy or use something that is up to their standard and worth the money, I understand everybody has different taste that's why I will detail my reviews and include every aspect of a product or service helping you make your own decision.
The views and opinions expressed on here are my own. Most of the products shown on my blog are purchased by me unless stated.

This is a PR friendly blog I accept brands reaching out to me and I accept sponsorship that is related to the content of my blog. If a post is sponsored it will clearly be labelled as a sponsored post at the end of the sponsored content, this does not change my view about a product in any way, all my reviews and posts are from my own opinions and how I find and feel about them, this blog is a place of honesty and for my viewers to read my genuine and useful products reviews and other helpful information.

I do not and never have posted positive reviews in exchange for a product or other incentives. All opinions expressed are my own and I do my best to provide accurate information but please bear in mind, I am not a professional what I know and think is what I express.

Disclaimer -  The integrity of my blog is important to me. I shall not be responsible for any product(s) reviewed on this blog that does not suit you in any way. All the photos on this blog are owned by me of which some I have gained legal rights to use and all of the content published is published by me and is protected by copyright, I, therefore, do not allow it to be used for any purpose without prior approval. For more information or to obtain permission please contact me.

My positive or negative review does not mean you should buy or not buy that product please take everything into consideration along with my review you can look elsewhere for reviews and every product is not the same some may have manufacturing flaws or defects.

Thank you😊